sexta-feira, 23 de abril de 2010

Igor Cotrim rouba a cena na apresentação de 'Elvis e Madona', no Tribeca Film Festival em N.York

Igor Cotrim rouba a cena e diverte o público na apresentação do filme 'Elvis e Madona' no Tribeca, Festival de Cinema de Nova York.

Ao lado do diretor Marcelo Lafitte, Igor falou do processo criativo e pesquisa para compor a personagem, da oportunidade de cantar no filme e de ter uma de suas músicas com os Beep-Polares, na trilha sonora do filme.
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April 23, 2010 11:00AM EDT ELVIS E MADONA

David Kwok, Tribeca’s Director of Programming, welcomed the expectant crowd at Clearview Chelsea Thursday night to a “unique, fun romantic comedy” as the Tribeca Film Festival began. Elvis & Madona, the 2010 Festival’s only Brazilian film, was written and directed by Marcelo Lafitte, who uttered an enthusiastic string of thank yous before his heartfelt intro. “It’s taken ten years to make this movie,” Lafitte, said, looking both relieved and proud. “This is a movie of a lot of struggle and making dreams come true. And in a way, the film also talks about this: people are trying to find and realize their dream.”

Lafitte pointed out his lead actor Igor Cotrim in the audience, teasing him with, “And ‘Madona’ is here tonight!” Cotrim, a handsome dark-haired Brazilian, spun around to face the crowd, shouting, “Only in the movie!” He grabbed the mic from his director, stealing the introductory scene: “Enough talking now. The movie talks for itself.”

Once the movie began, the actor’s "only in the movie" disclaimer suddenly made more sense. As Elvis & Madona began, Cotrim reappeared onscreen, now as “Lady Madona,” a ravishing blonde strutting down the streets of Rio de Janeiro’s Copacabana neighborhood with chin held high. It’s quite a transformation.

Lady Madona lives as a woman, styles hair by day, and performs at clubs at night. She has a rough life, but she’s always quick with a quip, shooing away tears and depression with fussy flicks of her wrist. She’s also quite fond of pizza. One night Madona’s disreputable boyfriend “Tripod Joe” beats her and robs her of her life savings. The new pizza delivery girl “Elvis” (Simone Spoladore), a lesbian photographer, arrives to find Madona broke and battered. Soon the iconically named pair are fast friends. Their unusual friendship takes dizzying turns as they deal with romantic feelings, nosey co-workers, neurotic families, cash flow problems and threats from Tripod Joe.

After the screening Lafitte returned to the front of the house to take questions. “IGOR!” he yelled, summoning his star to rejoin him. The actor, in class clown mode, walked hunchbacked toward him adopting an evil henchman voice, “Yessss, master!” eliciting laughs from the crowd.

The director was bothered that so many descriptions of the movie (even the Tribeca program!) described Madona as a drag performer. The director pointed out to the audience that in Brazil, they would call Madona not a drag queen but a transvestite.

The actor comically lowered his voice as deep as it would go “Yes, I have a male voice.” How had he prepared for the starring role? He said he went to a lot of bars with Simone and he talked with transvestites, and he shared stories about watching the performers and the audience in various clubs. The actor also did his own singing in the film, describing his vocals as “paso paso,” though he did take the time to plug his band Beep-Polares.

The audition process was complicated. “It was no use to find the ideal Elvis or the ideal Madona if there was no chemistry. At the end of the day, it had to be Elvis and Madona. They go together.” Their chemistry, the director rightly noted, is the whole personality of the film.
Fonte: BLOG do Tribeca Film 2010

3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Fico muito feliz com o sucesso do nosso cinema e mais ainda se tratando de Elvis e Madona, pois, além de tudo, tem o nosso Igor brilhando - como sempre.
Parabéms a todos!!!!!!!!!!

Daniela disse...

Cada dia q passa eu sinto maisorgulho de ter conhecido e torcido por voce ,vem muito mais por ai,Parabens !!!!!!!!!!!

Igor para sempre! disse...

Gostaria de ter mais notícias de como está sendo a recepção e as críticas do Elvis & Madona. Na torcida!